Friday 11 December 2009

Day 2 of filming

Filming took place on 09/12/09.

Location: Wandsworth Southside Car Park.

We had chosen this location as we felt that this would a good place to film. This was because it was quite a dark and unlit area in which not that many people were around. The darkness of the car park along with the natural lighting which was seeping into the car park we felt gave the shots more effect and meaning.
We had also used the car park to show that the main character in this shot had just come back from shopping and was going back to his car which shows he likes to get around alot as he has a car. One of the main shots that we had used during this day of filming was a hand held shot merged with a pan shot to show that the victim in these shots was being followed without even realising. We was unsure about the hand held shot as we didn't know if it would work as this was the first time trying this but as we played it back on the camcorder it seemed to be a good shot which we could work with during the editing stages of our production.

During this filming session, Sam was unable to make it due to the fact he had lessons which was vital for him to attend but the following roles were as follows:

- Nicholas: cameraman, idea guy.
- Usman: actor, idea guy.
- Myself: actor, photographer.

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