Tuesday 8 December 2009

Day 1 of filming

Filming had taken place on 07/12/09.

Location: Chetwode Road, Holdemesse Road and Trinity Cresent (Tooting).

During filming, we only used Sam Mante playing Jason and Usman Sheikh playing Lucifer.

We had taken a large amount of shots and angles during this day of filming. This was to allow us to have a variety of clips which we could work and play with during our editing and to allow us to perfect our project with the ideas that we had. On this day it was slightly raining which our group then believed that wuld give a sort of an affect to our project as it gives a cold and sinister feel to our work. We had used this location as these three roads seemed quiet and discrete with very little passers by, this was good as this part of our teaser trailer was to show one of the victims walking down a quiet street by himself where someone was watching his every move.

Each member of the group had their own specific roles during filming. These roles were as follows:

- Nicholas: Cameraman, ideas guy.
- Usman: Actor, ideas guy.
- Sam: Actor.
- Myself: Cameraman, photographer.

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