Sunday 20 December 2009

Day 3 of filming

Filming took place on 15/12/09.

Location: In a house (Stockwell).

This scene was set in a house of one of the victims in the film. We had come up with many ideas before and during this day of filming which we thought we could use in our editing stages to make the house scene seem dramatic and mysterious in the final version of our teaser trailer.

One of the main reasons for using a house as one of our key scenes was to show that the victim owned his own property and that he has become very successful as he owns his own apartment at a young age. The scene included Nicholas playing Lee and Usman playing Lucifer inside and outside Nicholas' house. A good shot that everyone in the group thought we had achieved was a high angled point of view shot which was of the mystery figure looking out of the victims window at the victim walking towards his home. This gave the feeling that the mystery person had some how managed to get into the victims house and was there waiting for him to return. Another shot that we thought was quite good was of Lee (the victim) sitting in his front room whilst the mystery man (Lucifer) was strolling down his hallway brandishing a knife which Lee never noticed. This shot was taken so if used in our final piece, the audience could ask themselves 'what is going to happen? is he going to see him or not.'

Just like day 2 of filming Sam was unable to make it due to lessons but the following roles were as folowed:

- Nicholas: actor.
- Usman: actor, cameraman.
- Myself: camerman, ideas guy, photographer.

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