Sunday 20 December 2009

Pictures of location 3

Stockwell Pictures

Day 3 of filming

Filming took place on 15/12/09.

Location: In a house (Stockwell).

This scene was set in a house of one of the victims in the film. We had come up with many ideas before and during this day of filming which we thought we could use in our editing stages to make the house scene seem dramatic and mysterious in the final version of our teaser trailer.

One of the main reasons for using a house as one of our key scenes was to show that the victim owned his own property and that he has become very successful as he owns his own apartment at a young age. The scene included Nicholas playing Lee and Usman playing Lucifer inside and outside Nicholas' house. A good shot that everyone in the group thought we had achieved was a high angled point of view shot which was of the mystery figure looking out of the victims window at the victim walking towards his home. This gave the feeling that the mystery person had some how managed to get into the victims house and was there waiting for him to return. Another shot that we thought was quite good was of Lee (the victim) sitting in his front room whilst the mystery man (Lucifer) was strolling down his hallway brandishing a knife which Lee never noticed. This shot was taken so if used in our final piece, the audience could ask themselves 'what is going to happen? is he going to see him or not.'

Just like day 2 of filming Sam was unable to make it due to lessons but the following roles were as folowed:

- Nicholas: actor.
- Usman: actor, cameraman.
- Myself: camerman, ideas guy, photographer.

Friday 11 December 2009

Pictures of location 2

Southside Carpark Pictures

Day 2 of filming

Filming took place on 09/12/09.

Location: Wandsworth Southside Car Park.

We had chosen this location as we felt that this would a good place to film. This was because it was quite a dark and unlit area in which not that many people were around. The darkness of the car park along with the natural lighting which was seeping into the car park we felt gave the shots more effect and meaning.
We had also used the car park to show that the main character in this shot had just come back from shopping and was going back to his car which shows he likes to get around alot as he has a car. One of the main shots that we had used during this day of filming was a hand held shot merged with a pan shot to show that the victim in these shots was being followed without even realising. We was unsure about the hand held shot as we didn't know if it would work as this was the first time trying this but as we played it back on the camcorder it seemed to be a good shot which we could work with during the editing stages of our production.

During this filming session, Sam was unable to make it due to the fact he had lessons which was vital for him to attend but the following roles were as follows:

- Nicholas: cameraman, idea guy.
- Usman: actor, idea guy.
- Myself: actor, photographer.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Pictures of location 1

Tooting Pictures

Day 1 of filming

Filming had taken place on 07/12/09.

Location: Chetwode Road, Holdemesse Road and Trinity Cresent (Tooting).

During filming, we only used Sam Mante playing Jason and Usman Sheikh playing Lucifer.

We had taken a large amount of shots and angles during this day of filming. This was to allow us to have a variety of clips which we could work and play with during our editing and to allow us to perfect our project with the ideas that we had. On this day it was slightly raining which our group then believed that wuld give a sort of an affect to our project as it gives a cold and sinister feel to our work. We had used this location as these three roads seemed quiet and discrete with very little passers by, this was good as this part of our teaser trailer was to show one of the victims walking down a quiet street by himself where someone was watching his every move.

Each member of the group had their own specific roles during filming. These roles were as follows:

- Nicholas: Cameraman, ideas guy.
- Usman: Actor, ideas guy.
- Sam: Actor.
- Myself: Cameraman, photographer.

Friday 4 December 2009

Possible tiltles and final title of our film.

There has been an on going discussion with our group on the decision on the title for our film. This has been debated for a while as we want a title which can relate more to our film.

The possible titles which we had decided on were:

- Echo Of Silence
- Red Ribbon
- Silent Footsteps
- The Silent Pursuit

After our ongoing dicussin on which title we should use, we have decided to call the film Silent Footsteps.