Thursday 18 February 2010

Trip to Wandsworth City Learning Centre

Our class had made a visit to Wandsworth City Learning Centre, the purpose of this visit was to learn about the use of photoshop. With the basic knowledge of how to use photoshop, we can go away and apply this knowledge into making our film posters and magazine front covers.

Whilst on our visit to the CLC we learned:
• How to use the gradient tool, to create fade ins and outs.
• Cut images out away from their backgrounds.
• Layering.
• Different styles of fonts.
• Shades of colours, changing the contrast of the colours.

Whilst at the CLC we applied what we had learned and had a practice at making a start on creating our magazine covers and film posters. By this we were able to draw up our ideas on photoshop and therefore make a draft of our products to give us a bit of practice on using this application.

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