Tuesday 23 February 2010

Music for the Teaser Trailer

In the making of the music for our teaser trailer, my group had to use an unfamiliar software known as ‘GarageBand’ on the Apple Mac’s. Our teacher had shown us a tutorial from the internet on how to use this software. We were then able to practice using this software and practice putting different sounds together before starting making our music. Whilst practicing using this software, we had found a number of instruments and sounds in which we believed we could use as our music. We therefore started to compose our music for our teaser trailer using instruments such as pianos and drums and shakers. We used beats from a piano to give the trailer a slow tempo to the beginning of our trailer, the drum beat was used to show the change in tempo of the trailer at a certain point and the shakers was used to keep the change in speed constant until the end of the trailer. The making of the music took us 5 to 7 lessons to make before we were ready to add the final music to the trailer. Once we added the music, my group had watched the finished version of our teaser trailer and we were proud of the finished product.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Draft copy of Magazine and Film Poster

Draft Magazine & Poster

Trip to Wandsworth City Learning Centre

Our class had made a visit to Wandsworth City Learning Centre, the purpose of this visit was to learn about the use of photoshop. With the basic knowledge of how to use photoshop, we can go away and apply this knowledge into making our film posters and magazine front covers.

Whilst on our visit to the CLC we learned:
• How to use the gradient tool, to create fade ins and outs.
• Cut images out away from their backgrounds.
• Layering.
• Different styles of fonts.
• Shades of colours, changing the contrast of the colours.

Whilst at the CLC we applied what we had learned and had a practice at making a start on creating our magazine covers and film posters. By this we were able to draw up our ideas on photoshop and therefore make a draft of our products to give us a bit of practice on using this application.