Saturday 4 July 2009

Fast and Furious Superbowl Trailer

The trailer starts off with a clip showing the name and trademark symbol of the studio (Universal) invovled in the production of this film.

The sound of engines from modified cars can be heard suggesting to the audiences that this film is about cars and racing.

The clip then jumps to a montage of seven shots with each the shot changes to another during this montage, a car engine is revved up. From this montage of clips and revving of engines gives the idea that the film is very fast and adreneline fuelled.

During the montage a lot of ladies and ars are seen to show that this is what the film is about. during these last two shots a shot reverse shot is used to show 1 character looking at the next who looks back at him and says "alot has changed" with the first character replying "your right". This suggests that the two characters know each other and that they have a past together in illegal racing.

the trailer shows the first character putting his foot down on the accelerator which then jumps to a shot of a rev counter reading 6988 rpm. This then changes to a row of cars with a muscle car in the middle lifting up the front end into the air as all of the cars pull off.

The cars can then be seen racing down the road where a blank screen appears with the words 'This April' telling the audiences the release date the movie.

The next clip from the films shows the two original characters sitting either side of a next character. This new character asks 'Do you know each other', with both original characters looking at each other and starting laughing.

The trailer then shows a blank screen with the words 'The Fast' appearing on it which then jumps to a shot of a women driving a car at very high speeds and then the first character is then shown driving his car at speed over a a small bridge causing his vehicle to lift off the ground. A new clip appears with the words 'Get Furious' with a montage of clips showing people getting beaten up and people crashing their cars along with cars being blown up. This montage of shots in this trailer stops with the first character hand brake shiddiing his car to a complete stop. This then skips to a shot of the car facing an out of control oil tanker which has somehow car fire and is on the brink of exploding.

As the oil tanker gets closer and closer to the car, the main character starts wheel spinning whilst the women in the passenger seat is getting very adgitated and shouting at the character to stop. Then the character pulls off and towards the flamming oil tanker and just about manages to avoid the tanker without getting hurt.

A blank screen then reappears with the title 'Fast & Furious', 'New model, original parts' and the date of release '4.3.09' all appearing afterwards.

This trailer is very effective as is shows suspense that appears in the movie which makes the audience viewing this trailer feel like they want to see more as it is action packed.

The audience for this type of movie is people who like cars and action. With a mixture of both, this trailer will draw the audience in as they would want to see more of what happens throughout the entirefilm. As this is the fourth installment of The Fast And The Furious series, people who have watched the previous 3 films would want to see this one as they would like to see more of their favourite characters from these previous films. The audience would aslo want to see how the sequel falls into place with the rest of The Fast And The Furious series.